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Research Brown Bag

BYU–Hawaii's Center for Learning & Teaching has provided faculty the opportunity to develop their research capacity through research and research-related presentations and conversations. Our research brown bag program creates the setting to start these conversations while enjoying lunch. Our presentations will be held at the Center for Learning & Teaching. Drinks and dessert will be provided.

Date and TimePresenterPresentation Title
Sept. 21
12-12:50 pm
Yifen BeusCreative/Research Endeavors at BYU–Hawaii
Oct. 5
12-12:50 pm
Boyd TimothyNavigating the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process
Oct. 17
12-12:50 pm
Eric RackleyTextual Ideologies of Scared Texts in a Latter-day Saint Community, or LDS Youths' Scripture-Reading
Oct. 30
1-1:50 pm
Esprit SaucierStudent Research Associates Program
Nov. 16
Austin PackDeveloping and Maintaining a Research Agenda at BYU–Hawaii